- 用力 exert oneself (physically)
- gingivo-axial G.A.
- 出力 contribute
- (=axial gradient) 轴梯度,轴倾度 ax. grad.
- 力大 muscularity
- 意志力 willpower
- 以下语句将LOAD权限授予组 The following statement grants the LOAD authority to the group
- 压克力 acryl
- 扫描方位:横轴位(Axial)、冠状位(Coronal)、矢状斜位(ObliqueSagittal)和横轴俯卧位(prone)等。 Patient position: axial coronal and oblique sagittal, supine, prone.
- Load方法的基本用法非常简单 The basic use of the Load method is quite straightforward
- 受力 stress
- 双击要创建的事件,例如Load事件。 Double-click the event that you want to create, for example the Load event.
- 用力的 emphatic
- 您可以下载Load程序及其所有的源代码。 You download the Load program and all its source code.
- 由Application类用于保存load事件的事件参数。 Used by the Application class to hold event arguments for the load event.
- 领导力 leading capacity
- 适应力 adaptive faculty
- Exchange Load Generator模拟MAPI客户端的性能负载。 Exchange Load Generator simulates the performance load of MAPI clients.
- (对他人的)影响(力) Influence over other people
- 剪力 shearing force